Second Chance Relates To Everyone's Everyday Lifestyle


Do you know the popular phrase, “Don’t think there are no second chances. Life always offers you a second chance called tomorrow, but if you wish to take advantage of it, go out with a bang”. Well, as cliche as it sounds, the honest truth is everyone deserves a second chance, and this is what we should go through life thinking. You know, when you think about it, everyone has had their fair share of wrongful doings. If you think critically about it, there might be that one mistake here and there that constantly stares at you in the face.

In trying to fit into today, sometimes one gets it right, other times one doesn’t. This is how the idea of our brand second chance came into being.

We believe everyone deserves a second chance regardless of their mistakes, and so that is the foundation of everything we do. Also, we believe we can boost the confidence and self-esteem of members of our community by a rightful belief of the right things. Also, another thing our community strongly supports is the bond of love, we believe in loving someone regardless of their mistakes.


Let’s consider a typical example of how giving second chances can help better a life: Imagine they sent Mr. A to a prison for inappropriate behavior. He goes into the system, serves his time, attends therapy and gets all the help he can have. Mr. A comes out a changed man; he gets all the support possible from a community of people that have relatable issues like Mr. A, guess what? He becomes a completely changed man. You know why? Mr. A was granted a second chance. These stories are what we live for, it’s why the brand was founded. To give a community to those who haven't made the wisest/best decisions the first time but want to do better the second time around.

Positive impact of second chances 

  • Every day people are caught within the cycles of right and wrong, choices are right there in your face. You are probably one action action away from a brevity’s mistake. Proper sensitization with relatable examples of people who have successfully transitioned from such a stage can serve as a motivation to others.
  • Our brand provides support to those transitioning the second chance phase. They aren’t left alone or abandoned, they are given real time help by real people. 
  • We believe everyone is gifted with some talent or level of creativity. Regardless of one’s mistake, these gifts might become dormant, but they never die. Therefore, with second chances you can unleash the hidden talents inside of a man. This wouldn’t just boost his confidence, it would also earn him some respect.
  • Since we commit ourselves to helping people find their second chances, we hope to understand them and speak their language. This means try to understand how and why they made the mistake in the first place and create structures that prevent a reoccurrence. 
  • By giving people second chances, you are giving them the opportunity to better their lives. Some might need help to set up a business or career, but whatever choice they make, giving second chances is helping to reduce the menace in the society. Also, you would help increase the financial stance of these individuals in the society.
  • In giving someone a second chance, you are giving them hope. Hope is an essential part of our lives. Hope can be a driving force to put through the worst seasons you could walk through. 

Barriers that people given second chance face

Transiting from one mistake to a better life is no simple thing. There are several things that stand in the way which we would discuss shortly. Some of these barriers are man made while others are ramifications of an event.

Societal pressure

When someone is transitioning, there is this pressure the society places on such an individual that they aren’t good enough, stigmatize the participants. This resistance by the society can discourage the individual. In fact, it is difficult for someone with jail time or a popular health challenge to get a job. Someone transitioning doesn’t deserve to be treated that way, instead they need to be accepted, loved without apology and celebrated. 


This is defining an individual with their mistakes, a long time story or their past. Most times stigmatization is a bad thing. It prevents the victim from being actively transitioning a second chance. At the point, it is easier to just give up and go back to the former way of life, but don’t. For the sake of those that genuinely love and for our company. Therefore, one of the first things we do for someone in such a stage is giving them a community that truly cares for them.


For someone that has made a huge mistake or direly needs a second chance, they find it hard to blend into the world again. This just becomes a really difficult situation. The grounds for interaction are not just the same. Something has changed within them. If not properly attended to, it can lead to various sorts of things such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks and many more.